Heavy Rainfall Warning No. 2A #NCR_PRSD Weather System: Severe Tropical Storm #FloritaPH / SOUTHWEST MONSOON Issued at: 12:06 PM,23 August 2022
Yellow Warning: #MetroManila(QuezonCity, Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas, Valenzuela, Marikina, Manila), #Rizal(Rodriguez, SanMateo), #NuevaEcija(Cabiao, SanIsidro, SanAntonio, Gapan, Jaen, SanLeonardo, Zaragoza, Licab), #Bataan, #Pampanga, #Bulacan. Associated Hazard: Possible FLOODING in flood-prone areas
Meanwhile, Light to moderate with occasional heavy rains affecting the rest of #MetroManila, of #NuevaEcija, of #Rizal, #Cavite, #Laguna, #Batangas, #Quezon which may persist within 3 hours.
The public and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Offices concerned are advised to MONITOR the weather condition and watch for the next advisory to be issued at 2:00 PM Today.
For more information and queries, please call telephone numbers 8922-1992 and 8927-1335 or log on to bagong.pagasa.dost.gov.ph.